The Freeland 2017 Christmas Letter

Things got off to a scary start for John in a cardiologist’s office. After various tests led to a heart catheterization in April, he received good news that he hadn’t had a heart attack and any blockage he does have is in areas of less concern. What a relief that was to hear! Wendy hopes she never has to experience the waiting room of a heart cath lab again in her life.

We still have all of indoor and outdoor cats. Our neighbors are surprised we haven’t lost any of the barn cats. The secret is avoiding run ins with coyotes. From the time the barn cats were kittens, they got into the routine of returning to the barn at night.
A $3.00 treat ball has been quite the find for us this year. This was after several trips to the vet and medical tests only to find out Kyoke’s vomiting is not a result of pancreatitis but instead is caused by gorging himself to the point of making himself sick. Our male cat lacks self control. Hmmm …. Imagine that. A treat ball filled with dry food has slowed him down and has forced him to work for his food. Couldn’t we have been told about the $3 treat ball before we did the ultrasound?

In the midst of life knocking us around a bit this year with injury and illness, we saw the Lord’s amazing kindness and provision through our church family, friends and neighbors who provided encouragement, meals and transportation when Wendy couldn’t walk or drive. A huge thank you to all of you!

Life’s trials certainly have brought into focus the insignificance of the things that used to rattle us. And, the smallest things have become meaningful. We have much to be thankful for. We are especially thankful for our Lord Jesus Christ whose birth we celebrate this time of year. 1 Timothy 4:10 says “(and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe. Psalm 147:11 says “… the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. “
Merry Christmas! We pray you experience the peace and love of Christ in your hearts and homes this holiday season.
The Freelands
John, Wendy, Jacob, AJ, and the cats